Monday, March 23, 2009

A Glimpse Into The Future....!

As most everyone knows....we have yet to cut Zachariyah's hair as it is a Jewish custom to wait to cut a boy's hair until he's three! Well today I decided to put his hair into a ponytail and take some pictures. Just to get an idea of what to expect after his first haircut in two weeks! No more "Oh she's so cute"!! I can't wait...! I just hope that Zachariyah does okay. He's not to thrilled to have anyone mess with the doo!

She's Just A Hugging Machine!

Eliana loves to give hugs and cuddle! She recently started giving her dolls and other toys hugs too! It is so precious! She's becoming such a big girl.

March Madness!

I don't follow college basketball....but at our house we have our own brand of madness! It's call Zachariyah and Eliana....! They keep things pretty exciting anyway. Here are some of the latest pictures of the little munchkins. Hope Spring has Sprung for everyone! Unless of course you happen to live somewhere that it's spring everyday!! You know who you are! =)

Dancing Queen...!

Little Miss Eliana loves to whenever she hears music she starts be-bopping! It's too cute! =)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Outdoor Fun!

Zachariyah really wanted to play on the little playhouse Uncle Mike and Auntie PJ got for them!! It was a little chilly, but we went out anyway and I got some cute pictures. It was just what the doctor ordered! They both love it! Thanks again Mike & PJ! =)

Eliana's 1st Birthday Carnival!

Eliana turned 1 on February 28!! I cannot believe that she is a year old already! Time flies. Here are some pics from her Carnival Party! Thanks to everyone from coming and for all the help! It was a groovy time!