Monday, December 1, 2008

Sleepy Boy!

Today Zachariyah did the cutest thing!! For a while now Zachariyah has been able to climb in and out of his crib and we are planning on getting him a big boy bed soon, however he will usually still take an afternoon nap. But now that he can climb in and out at will it does make it more of a challenge sometimes! Today however, he decided all on his own to take a nap. I heard him playing in his room and just let him be while I was taking care of other things and seeing to Eliana. After about 10 minutes things quieted down in his room....!! Quiet is never usually a good thing and so I decided to check on him. There was my little boy lying in his crib. He had covered himself with his blankets and had went to sleep all by himself!! I went in to close his blinds and he looked over at me. I just smiled and said night night, and he went back to sleep!! It was too cute! He woke up so early this morning and I guess he just decided to turn in for an early snooze. What a big boy! Who knows if he'll ever do it again, but it was such a sweet surprise to see that he did it all on his own!

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