Thursday, May 14, 2009

Pool Time

It's getting warm here in it's time to get WET!! :)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Growing up.....!

Just the latest snapshots of Zachariyah & Eliana. They are getting so big!

Safe & Sound...and fuzzy too!!

Our house is on the outskirts of Fort Worth and there is still a lot of undeveloped land. In fact there is a large field right behind our house. As a result we get quite a few bunnies in our back yard from time to time. The grass had gotten kinda tall and we decided to mow it and as I was mowing along the fence....Zoom! Out flashed a baby bunny!! I stopped and ran after it to make sure it was okay! It even let me pick it up. I gave it to Nathan and told him to hold it till I finished. So I started up the mower and went about another 5 feet when....Zoom! Out flashed another baby bunny. It was so sweet to cuddle them! They calmed down and were totally chill after a little while. What a little treat. They were so cute. Too bad the kiddos were already in bed. They would have loved to have seen them....although the bunnies might not have been so calm with a three year old and a 14 month old trying to pop off their heads!!! :)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Goofy Girl!

....and coming soon to a blog near you....Zachariyah! :-)

Just For Fun

Crazy Clouds!

We had some storms roll through here a couple months ago that produced some crazy looking clouds. I had never seen anything like it. It was pretty trippy!

Outdoor Fun.....

......Without the SUN! :-)


The other day Zachariyah actually took a nap! Poor baby wasn't feeling so good and he decided to have a afternoon siesta! I had to snap a couple pictures before we woke him up!! They are always so precious when they are sleeping.

What we're going to do here is go back.....

1982..! (I think?)
This must have been during a trip to California to visit our Grandpa!
Featured in the above photo are Bud, Andy, Moi, Grandpa Werner and Mike! :)

Ah, we fast forward a few years...somewhere around 1990??
Once again we have Bud, Mike, Andy and Moi!

This would be somewhere close to my High School graduation in 1998!
Sigh, where does the time go!!