I have discovered that there is something much worse than a baby with a cold! And that my friends is a "binky baby" with a cold!!!!! Eliana has her first official cold and last night was a whole new experience trying to get her to sleep when she couldn't suck on her binky! Poor thing with her nose all stuffy and she wanted her binky so bad! But she just couldn't suck on it and breath at the same time! Eventually she did finally figure out that she had to breath through her mouth to sleep comfortably, but it took a LOT of rocking!!!
Yep, she eventually fell asleep at some point last night. I think it was out of sheer exhaustion from screaming so much more than anything. And somewhere in there I got some sleep too. :)
Good thing we did the time change thing, right? Although I could think of better ways to spend an extra hour! Hats off to you both!
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